Let’s talk leadership – 3 more tips!
Posted by Nicole Coyne on March 06, 2023
“How can I manage my time, my stress levels and my constant feeling of being overwhelmed? How can I lead a diverse group of people?’
These were topics I discussed in my last blog post, Let’s Talk Leadership
I would like to share a few more tips with you. These come from my own experiences, observations, mistakes and learnings over the years.
Smile you are on stage!
“Smile you are on stage” This is something you will often hear me say to business owners and leaders. What does this mean?
When we step into a leadership position or even before then, we are being observed by our colleagues, peers, subordinates and bosses. How we react to our environment, how we manage people and situations around us, is constantly been seen and judged.
Leadership, or how we lead doesn’t just count during the big decision making processes or during a “crisis”. It counts all the time.
Small actions and daily choices make us who we are. They define our leadership styles.
This saying comes to mind “Do what I say, not what I do.” Don’t be that leader. You don’t have the luxury of sending mixed signals to your team.
You don’t need to be perfect
We are all human and we all make mistakes, leaders included. Those leaders who truly stand out in the crowd and who are most respected by their teams are the ones who can admit they are wrong or need help.
I have seen leaders with such great potential crash and burn due to their inflated egos and their inability to admit that someone else is right or can do the job better than them.
Stay humble, stay focused on the end goal and remember your role as a leader. Leading the people around you to achieve the end goal.
You have to earn respect
Gone are the days where your title gave you automatic respect. Where your team had to respect you because of who you are and the position you held in the company.
It’s not about who you are. It’s about but what you are and what you do.
Building respect is making people feel valued and heard. Making people feel safe and accountable. Taking notice, placing focus on the right things, not always the easy things, but the right things, and being consistent in your approach.
Start the day off with genuinely asking, “how are you and how can I help?”

Nicole Coyne
Nicole is a certified professional coach as well as a certified trainer, advanced assessor and coach mentor.
Based in Auckland, she provides a range of coaching options, from individual business owner and management coaching, group and team coaching workshops to personal coaching. Her coaching practice is aligned to the ICF ethos and ethics.
Contact Nicoleto hire a professional coach.